TAE40122 resources that Pop!

TAE40122 resources that Pop!

I’m ecstatic to finally be able to announce that I have joined forces with Pop Education to develop a suite of TAE40122 learning and assessment materials to support diverse delivery modes.

Why now, and why Pop Education?

TAE40122 will be my fifth iteration of delivering and writing materials for the ‘Cert IV’ training and assessment qualification.  Over the years, several individuals and organisations have invited me to partner with them to design versions of my TAE products for online delivery, but such partnerships never felt right… until now.

The team at ‘Pop’ have both the skills and the heart to work with me to do this the right way.


Sarah Phillips and her brother Alex established Pop Education in 2016, but Sarah and I became friends long before then.  Sarah has a strong background in eLearning design and—in previous roles—has even re-worked early versions of my TAE materials for eLearning, in some amazing and creative ways.  As the Managing Director of Pop Education, she has surrounded herself with a team of equally skilled eLearning designers.  Already, Pop Education has gained a reputation for producing high-quality materials for both accredited and non-accredited programs.


This TAE project will be Pop Education’s first venture into the world of retail VET products.  They have built their reputation on quality and intend to continue this focus with our joint TAE40122 products.

Our vision is to build a flexible TAE40122 product that:

  • meets competency requirements
  • reflects work-reality
  • contains plain language information and instructions
  • meets as many WCAG Guidelines as feasible, and
  • that help RTOs ensure that their TAE40122 graduates are ready for work.

So what will our TAE40122 product look like?

We intend to offer four types of products, so your RTO can choose the best type for you.
Options will include:

  • Tier 1: Our traditional product
    This is the type of product that you have come to know from Blackwater Projects.  Our traditional product includes high-quality editable and print-ready learning and assessment materials that are ideal for facilitator-led training of any kind, whether in person, live, online or blended.
  • Tier 2: eLearning resources with standard upload to your RTO’s LMS
    This product includes our traditional product materials, plus eLearning resources that Pop Education will provide to you to upload to your RTO’s LMS to form an eLearning experience that we will design and offer as our ‘standard’ TAE40122 program design.
  • Tier 3: eLearning resources standard upload and  simulated assessments and RTO
    This product includes our traditional product materials, plus eLearning resources that Pop Education will provide to you to upload to your RTO’s LMS to form an eLearning experience that we will design and offer as our ‘standard’ TAE40122 program design.  In addition, you will receive a suite of assessments that can be used with students who do not have access to a workplace, including access to a simulated RTO intranet with policies and procedures your students can use for their assessments.
  • Tier 4: eLearning resources with customised upload to your RTO’s LMS
    This is our full-service product.  Pop Education will upload all TAE40122 materials to your RTO’s LMS in a manner that suits your RTO’s preferred training and assessment approach. This product is subject to availability.  When available, prices will be determined on a case by case basis.

We will spend the holiday period further refining the details of our product offering, so the information above is subject to change.

Progress to date

We have begun developing the eLearning and assessment TAE units that were endorsed earlier this year.  In the process, we have established our working process and TAE40122 templates.

Now that we know the content of the TAE40122 units, we will use the holiday period to roll up our sleeves and develop materials based on your requests, and on the templates and strategies we have already set up.

Watch this space for more information in the coming weeks!