15 Apr TAE40116 endorsed… now what?
Did someone just forget to mention this?
There are people like me in this world who actually read the Communiques that the AISC issues following its regular meetings. We believe that these Communiques give a complete and accurate account of discussions and decisions made at each AISC meeting. Such was my belief when I read the AISC’s Communique that covered their meeting on 18 February 2016.
But I was wrong…
The Communique of 18 Feb was, I can only assume, accurate. But it was not complete. The Communique did not mention that TAE v2 — which includes the LONG awaited Certificate IV in Training and Assessment — was also endorsed at that meeting. This is quite a big deal for those of us who care. Read the AISC Communique announcing the endorsement.
So now we have a new TAE40116, just when many of us in the sector had settled into the idea that TAE40110 would be with us a while longer.
TAE40116 – quick facts
TAE40116 requires completion of 10 units—no change from TAE40110. Of the 10 units required, 9 are core and 1 is elective—this is different!
New core units added to TAE40116 are:
- TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools
- TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills
The other 7 core units have the same titles as the 7 core TAE40110 units, BUT:
- only 5 of the TAE40116 units are deemed equivalent to their TAE40110 predecessors
- the other 2 are not equivalent.
The graphic below lists the new TAE40116 core units and highlights which units are equivalent and which are not:
Key changes in the TAE40116 units
Here is a summary of key changes:
TAEDEL401 Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning
- Participants must now deliver to learner groups that number 8 or more
- is deemed equivalent to TAEDEL401A.
TAEASS401 Plan assessment activities and processes
- now requires 5 assessments planned (including 2 RPL) – up from 2
- has a new element added: Identify modification and contextualisation requirements
- is deemed NOT equivalent to TAEASS401B (because new element was added, I suspect)
TAEASS402 Assess competence
- now requires 5 assessments conducted (including 1 RPL) – up from 2-3
- all 5 assessments “…must be undertaken under the supervision of a qualified assessor and cover an entire unit of competency for each candidate” (TAEASS402, Performance Evidence)
- is deemed equivalent to TAEASS402B
TAEASS403 Participate in assessment validation
- now requires 3 assessment validation activities – up from 2
- has a new element added: Participate in the validation of assessment tools
- is deemed NOT equivalent to TAEASS403B (new element added to TAEASS403).
Implications for trainers and assessors
Trainers and assessors who deliver the Cert IV TAE
- We always knew that we would need to attain TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training, or TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development (or demonstrate equivalent competence) if we are going to deliver the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
- I also assume that we will need to attain or demonstrate equivalent competencies in the two new core units, if we don’t already hold them, but these are in the TAE Diploma units anyway.
Trainers and assessors who deliver qualifications other than the Cert IV TAE
The fact is that we don’t know yet what the implications are for already-qualified trainers and assessors. In their Communique announcing endorsement of TAE40116, the AISC said:
…the AISC has recommended that the COAG Industry and Skills Council consider applying the new requirements to the existing workforce. At a minimum requiring the existing VET workforce to undertake the two additional core units contained in the new Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
COAG is yet to make a decision on whether or not they will support the AISC’s recommendation. I’ll post information when I get it.
So the wait continues…