TAE10 endorsement and transition: a quick update

TAE10 endorsement and transition: a quick update

Just got this information, distributed by VETAB (State Training Authority for NSW)…

Some dates
my summary of what VETAB said

  • The proposed TAE10 Training and Education Training Package is due to be presented at the National Quality Council meeting of 5 May 2010.
  • Once endorsed by the National Quality Council (NQC), the NSW Vocational Education and Training Education Board will accredit the training package at the Board’s next meeting on 7 June 2010.

Transition arrangements
direct quote from VETAB

NSW VETAB will conduct a risk analysis of NSW RTOs currently approved to deliver the TAA40104 qualification based on the National Risk Management Guideline. The results of this risk analysis will inform the transition process from the TAA04 to the TAE10 in NSW.

Please do not contact VETAB at this point in time. We will contact every RTO with the TAA40104 on scope by email to advise of the process when this has been finalised.

More when I get it.  Cheers, Chemene.