TAE Resources: looking for feedback

TAE Resources: looking for feedback

This post is for RTOs, trainers & assessors currently using the Blackwater Projects learning and assessment materials.

With the introduction of TAE40114 coming up, I’ll soon start re-writing the TAE40110 materials to reflect TAE40114 requirements.  When I do this, I’ll also plan to make some improvements in the process.

I’d welcome your feedback

Please give me any feedback you have with suggestions about:

  • what to keep
  • what to change.

How to give your feedback

Assessment booklet template
I’m looking now, for suggestions to improve the assessment booklet template:

  • Click here to see an example of the current template.
  • Click here to give feedback about the template.  This link takes you to a Google Doc I have set up so that you can give your own feedback and also see the feedback of others.

Any other feedback
If you want to give any other feedback, please use the feedback register on my website.

Thanks, and look forward to your thoughts.