
Chemène can help your organisation with any design, delivery or assessment project, large or small

Big projects – customised, end-to-end service

Chemène can work with you through all stages of your large or small L&D project. She can help you identify learning goals and needs, then design, develop, deliver, assess and evaluate a tailored program that is relevant and useful to you and your clients. For large or specialised projects, she draws on her network of friends and colleagues.

Small projects

Chemène can:

  • train individuals or groups on behalf of your RTO or organisation
  • design and deliver professional development workshops for trainers and other staff within your organisation
  • coach or mentor individuals at all levels of the organisation – she has worked with CEOs, managers, educators and frontline staff of organisations from a range of industries
  • edit your organisation’s learning materials or key business publications to ensure they include clear and concise information and project the desired image of the organisation or event
  • speak at your next conference or special event

Areas of expertise

  • VET and TAE qualifications
  • Best practice assessment and assessment validation
  • Presentation and media skills
  • Business writing and editing
  • Foundation / LLN skills
  • 21st century learning and skills.

More information

Or, simply contact Chemène and ask loads of questions!