05 Jul IBSA TAE10 Workshop: a good day out!
Yesterday I joined about 20 other VET professionals at the first NSW-based IBSA workshop for the TAE10 Training Package. Participants included VETAB auditors, publishers, trainers and assessors, and RTO managers.
It was a good day out!
- Facilitator Mitch Cleary did a great job answering questions and facilitating discussions about transition to TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
- If you have not yet had a chance to get your head around the requirements for the new Cert IV, this workshop will be a great help.
A critical question answered at the workshop…
Question:Do trainers who currently deliver the Cert IV TAA need to obtain the Cert IV TAE before they can deliver the new qualification?
Answer: Not yet, provided we can demonstrate the equivalent competence and vocational competence relevant to the units we’ll be delivering (e.g. TAA qual showing that we have the units equivalent to the TAE units we want to offer plus demonstrated consistent work activities as relevant to the units we’ll deliver).
I, for one, plan to update my TAA qual to TAE40110 in the next few months, especially since I’ll be delivering TAE40110. Read more about the The National Quality Council (NQC)’s latest decisions about the qualification requirements for trainers and assessors (applies to all trainers/assessors, not just those who will deliver TAE40110):
- Click here to download the Users’ Guide to the AQTF 2010 Conditions and Standards for Initial Registration (read Appendices 2 & 3), and/or
- Click here to download the Users’ Guide to the AQTF 2010 Conditions and Standards for Continuing Registration (also read Appendices 2 & 3).
More info if and when I get it. If you hear anything that’s worth posting on the blog, I’d love to hear from you.
Cheers, Chemene