Don’t call new training packages ‘streamlined’

Don’t call new training packages ‘streamlined’

We’re starting to see more and more versions of training packages that meet the Standards for Training Packages going ‘live’.  With this has come more questions about them.

In this post I’ll briefly cover ‘bits and pieces’ of information I’ve been picking up about the ‘new’ versions of training packages.  All are in relation to questions people have asked.  Information provided is based on what I’ve informally heard ‘here and there’ and on my personal opinion.  Use the information at your own risk.

1. Don’t call me ‘Shirley’, and don’t call the new training packages, ‘streamlined’
Speaking with an industry leader from the child care industry last week, I learned that use of the term ‘streamlined’ to describe the new training packages is being frowned upon.  Could this be because they realised that these new, ‘streamlined’ training packages aren’t so streamlined after all?  I should add that I like the new structure, although like any type of change, it takes some getting used to.  So I’m now referring to the new training package structure as, Training Packages That Meet The Standards For Training Packages (or TPTMTSFTP for short).

2. How should we map assessments under the streamlined TPTMTSFTP?
The answer to that question depends on who you ask:

  • ASQA reminds us that there is no mandated requirement to map assessments at all, but we DO need to demonstrate how our assessments meet the requirements of the unit/s (and assessment requirements).  So, we map!
  • Speaking to an auditor last week, she told me that some are concerned that the ‘unit’ (i.e. elements, performance criteria and foundation skills) will be forgotten, now that more attention is being drawn to the assessment requirements for each unit.

My suggestion:  map to everything!  Elements, performance criteria, performance evidence, knowledge evidence, and assessment conditions (where applicable).  My personal jury is still ‘out’ as to whether or not to map to foundation skills.  I’m making a unit-by-unit judgement about that.  Would love others’ opinions.

3. Important date:  01 January 2014
In 2014, NSSC won’t accept submissions for endorsement of any training packages (or parts of them) that aren’t in the TPTMTSFTP format.  So although ISCs have until end of 2015 to update all their training packages to the TPTMTSFTP format, I’m guessing most will move to the new format in 2014.

4. When teaching TAE40110, when should we start teaching the TPTMTSFTP as the ‘standard’ structure for training packages, rather than the ‘old’ training package structure (i.e. 3 endorsed components?)
My thoughts:  now.  I’ve started teaching the new training package structure and re-written Design module materials to reflect the TPTMTSFTP as the ‘default’ training package structure.  BUT… I don’t plan to officially make them available until the new TAE40114 qualification is introduced in 2014.  If anyone wants them sooner, just ask.  I’m trying not to make people buy something that will need to be updated again in a few months, so am hoping that IBSA meet targeted deadlines for endorsement of TAE40114, then I plan to offer all updates in one ‘hit’.