Australian PIAAC results released… LLN still an issue

Australian PIAAC results released… LLN still an issue

Thought you may be interested…

Yesterday the Australian Bureau of Statistics released the results of the PIAAC (Program for International Assessment of Adult Competencies) survey.
PIAAC was an international survey of adult LLN skills conducted in a range of countries throughout 2011 and 2012.  ABS has produced PIAAC results from Australia.

So what do the results show?

In summary, the results say that Australians still have a way to go with LLN, that men are better at math than women, but women are more literate than men.  Read more.

Why is this helpful to TAE trainers?

PIAAC findings give us updated statistics.  Before PIAAC, the ALLS survey results (2006) were used as the basis for statistics underpinning the need to focus on LLN in VET.
Thank you to Ann for forwarding this link to me.