All-new Blackwater Projects website

All-new Blackwater Projects website

It would appear that 7 years old is the equivalent of 777 years old in website age

I’m excited to announce (and show you) the all-new Blackwater Projects website. My old website has served me well, but the ever-increasing number of caring emails I received, offering to salvage what was left of my site, was a sign. I finally decided that the time had come!

What the new site means to you

You can more easily navigate this site, no matter what type of device you use to access it.

We have migrated the old TAE Talks blog into the site. You’re reading this post from our new, News and Views page. Here I’ll post:

  • News – latest news about VET, TAE and best practice training, assessment and education as I get it
  • Views – commentary that covers insights and strategies to promote effective presentation, learning, education and assessment practice now, and in the future.

I hope you subscribe and look forward to your comments.

If you are a TAE resources client, it’s now easier to find and download the materials you want:

  1. From the free downloads page, anyone may download TAE support materials and validation records
  2. From the licensee downloads page, TAE licensees may download the materials themselves.


With the site comes a new logo!
My poor old logo was more than twice the age of my website. I was quickly informed by people who know far more about these things than me, that the logo had to go! So, we’ve moved to this one, instead:


I have updated all the TAE40116 materials to show the new logo. If you are a TAE licensee, you may download latest versions here. Remember to check our Master Revision and Validation Record to make sure your RTO is using the latest versions of the materials.

I hope you enjoy your look around the site. Contact me if you have any comments or queries.
