Overview of TAE10 Training Package
Found this information on the IBSA website. Gives an overview of the qualifications and skill sets in the new TAE10 training package, plus more...
Found this information on the IBSA website. Gives an overview of the qualifications and skill sets in the new TAE10 training package, plus more...
Yesterday we had a fabulous day...
We've just had word that TAE10 has just been endorsed. So, it's official.Next step is to find out transition arrangements for RTOs.Timing couldn't be better...
This from IBSA website:Endorsement DelayedTVET Australia has advised that the NQC will consider the endorsement of the TAE10Training and Education Training Package at a meeting on 12 May 2010. And so we wait. Watch this space! Chemene....
Just got this information, distributed by VETAB (State Training Authority for NSW)...
Several TAE40122 assessment tasks require video evidence. This master document contains:
Adapt this Word document for your RTO’s video submission processes and requirements, then distribute it to TAE participants as required. Our assessment tasks reference these requirements.
We provide one Task Instructions and Report document for each assessment task required to attain the unit/s of competency covered in each TAE40122 module. This means that for most TAE40122 modules, we provide more than one Task Instructions and Report document.
Each Task Instructions and Report document contains:
We provide a set of Templates for each assessment task required for each TAE40122 module. Participants may use these template to complete assessment tasks.
We format each Template as a stand-alone document. This means that we may provide several templates for each assessment task.
We provide one Delivery and Assessment Guide for each TAE40122 module. This is the first document that TAE trainers, assessors or RTO staff should read. It provides:
We provide one Competency Map for each TAE40122 module. The competency map shows how the assessment task/s collectively cover the requirements of the unit/s of competency covered in each module.
We provide one Module Introduction Handout for each TAE40122 module. Distribute this handout (or equivalent) to TAE participants at the start of the module—it provides a brief introduction to the module and outlines the assessment tasks that participants must complete.
We provide one Participant Manual for each TAE40122 module. The participant manual is like the textbook for this module. It contains information and examples of work to guide TAE participants as they complete learning activities and assessment tasks.
We provide a choice of optional learning Activities for each TAE40122 module. All activities are optional. Where applicable, you will find the answer key for activities in the relevant Delivery and Assessment Guide.
We provide one PowerPoint deck for each TAE40122 module. TAE program leaders use the PowerPoint as visual prompts to guide instruction and facilitation.